We’re By Your Side

Get Confidential Help

Achieve Better Outcomes For You

Our vision is to provide our community with quality legal information, education and advice to help them understand and access the legal system.

Our Solicitors Give Legal Advice In These Areas:

  • Debt and money problems
  • End of relationships, including contact with children (live with/spend time with)
  • Issues with Family and Community Services/FaCS/DoCS (aka DCJ)
  • Work and employment
  • Fines and traffic offences
  • Drivers licences and suspensions
  • Car accidents
  • Family violence and AVOs
  • Buying goods and services
  • Discrimination
  • Police complaints
  • Support for victims of crime
  • Government complaints
  • Some criminal offences
  • Later Life Planning including Power of Attorney and Guardianship

We Can Act On Your Behalf

In some instances, we can also help with advocacy.

This means negotiating with the other side of a legal dispute, writing letters, doing research and preparing legal documents.

We usually only do this for people who are vulnerable and experiencing social and economic disadvantage (otherwise we will help you with the information and advice you need so you can do this yourself).

If you need help with going to court, we may be able to refer you to another service for free or low-cost representation if we are unable to assist.

Sometimes, we can’t help you directly, because we don’t have expertise in a particular area of law, or there is a more appropriate service, or there is an ethical or legal reason.

We’re Here To Help You Right Now

We have experienced staff available, please reach out and let us guide you on the best way forward.

To make an appointment for advice, please telephone our office: 02 4353 4988

Get Confidential Help

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live and work here on the NSW Central Coast. We pay respect to the Darkinyung people, their Elders both past and present and their youth who are their future leaders. This is Aboriginal land, Darkinjung land. Always was Always will be, sovereignty never ceded.