Family is Culture 2022


Co-design and proper engagement must exist to Close the gap and adequately address the over-representation of Aboriginal Children in Out-of-Home-Care. 

Urgent action is needed to end the wrongful removal of Aboriginal children in NSW.  Aboriginal children are 12x more likely to be placed in Out-of-Home-Care than non-Aboriginal children.  That means they are 12x more likely to be removed from their parents, their families, their communities and most likely disconnected from their culture.  We call for government to impact change that reflects realistic and achievable commitments to Closing the Gap in relation to children in out-of-home-care and to give a public commitment to properly consider implementation of all 126 recommendations of the 2019 Family is Culture Review.  

We request your support. See full statement here.

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We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live and work here on the NSW Central Coast. We pay respect to the Darkinyung people, their Elders both past and present and their youth who are their future leaders. This is Aboriginal land, Darkinjung land. Always was Always will be, sovereignty never ceded.